mElite athletes have used creatine since the 1950s, yet it wasnt until a 1992 publication that the rest of the world learned about its incredible benefits [1]. Since that time hundreds of studies have been conducted and thousands of articles have been written about how creatine can improve physical performance and health. Creatine supplementation increases strength [2], jumping ability [3], speed [4], and enhances gains in strength and muscle mass from weight training [5, 6]. While various forms of creatine products have come and gone on the market, none have truly revolutionized the industry. That is about to change. Introducing the next stage of the creatine evolution: Myo-Sport? Duo-Phase Time Released Creatine. Whats so revolutionary about this product? For starters it contains 10 g of pure creatine monohydrate per serving. Thats up to 500% more than other creatine products. Normally only about 20% of creatine is absorbed into the blood [1], so your body never even sees the other 80%. MyoSport? Duo-Phase Time Released Creatine is scientifically formulated to release creatine in specific amounts at defined intervals throughout the day. The result: You absorb all of the creatine you buy and you dont waste money!