Once you've achieved your weight goal and regulated your blood sugar, you enter the Maintenance Phase of The Atkins Lifestyle. You're no longer burning off excess fat at the same rate, so your body starts metabolizing differently, creating different nutritional needs. Basic #1 Formula has been developed to meet these new needs. This comprehensive multi-vitamin supplement protects and replenishes your body on a daily basis. You'll benefit from its full spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that promote good nutrition while supporting your energy metabolism. And, it's about 22% less expensive than Basic #3 Formula. Ingredients: Serving Size: 3 Caps, Servings Per: 30, A: 1500IU, Beta-carotene: 7500IU, C: 250mg, D-3: 100IU, E: 100IU, K: 5mcg, B1: 25mg, B2: 25mg, Niacin: 20mg, B-6: 25mg, Folate: .8mg, B-12: .4mg, Biotin: .3mg, Pantothenic Acid: 50mg, Calcium: 200mg Phosphorus: 120mg, Magnesium: 100mg, Zinc: 10mg, Selenium 50mcg, Manganese: 5mg, Chromium: 200mcg, Molybdenum: 30mcg:, Potassium: 10mg, Pantethine: 35mg, Choline Bitrate: 25mg, PABA: 25mg, Inositol: 25mg, Citrus Bioflavanoids: 25mg Quercetin: 25mg, NCA: 20mg, Grape Seed Ext: 20mg, Green Tea: 20mg, Boron: 500mcg Vanadium 15mcg. Suggested use: Take three tablets per day with meals.